Mark O’Dell

Mark has always been into his football and never been shy of hard work in the gym, but he has always struggled to get his diet right. Mark decided to take us up on our 12-week challenge where we gave him a 12-week meal plan and he continued with his two PT sessions a week with Jonathan. By changing Mark’s diet we saw great results, and within those 12 weeks he lost 21lbs and dropped 10% body fat.

Hayley Pegram

Hayley entered the Body Power Transformation Challenge and asked us for help with nutrition advice and her exercise regime. Georgie made some small changes to her eating patterns and Hayley attended three of our classes a week. Hayley saw some incredible results as you can see for yourself, and she is proof of what a bit of hard work and discipline can achieve. We’re so pleased for Hayley, a longstanding and inspirational client at BBF, Well done to you!

Timos (Lord Blaine)

Timos, like many people, wanted fast results for an upcoming holiday. Jonathan took on the challenge in a limited space of time. Jonathan put Timos through his paces using an intense training regime consisting of two PT sessions and one home workout per week. To target all angles Jonathan split the sessions into 1 weight session, 1 cardio and 1 functional session. We made some tweaks to his diet but the training is what we hit hard because this is what he enjoyed. We were really pleased with the significant changes we saw in his physique, our aim now is to take it even furher! Top effort Lord Blaine!

Kayleigh Roberts

Kayleigh came to us for a complete lifestyle change. Before joining BBF Kayleigh wasn’t doing any exercise, skipping meals, and dabbling in endless fad diets. To achieve a lifestyle change we made small changes to Kayleigh’s routine allowing a gradual adjustment that had little impact on day to day life. Each change has become a habit of daily life. The weight loss has come in addition to improved energy, fitness, sleep and an overall positive sense of well-being! Kayleigh will be the first to admit that this hard work has taken continued determination and has on occasions experienced little motivation, but as we keep reminding Kayleigh she has come along in leaps and bounds since she first walked through the door. We are very proud of everything Kayleigh has achieved, from sticking to her weekly exercise regime to following a balanced diet, Well Done Kayleigh, we salute you!

Richard Gomm

When Richard first came to BBF he walked in with his head down and his shoulders rolled forward. It was clear to see Richard had little confidence in himself. We decided the best approach to turn things around was to take things step by step making small adjustments every two weeks. It was only a short amount of time before Richard saw the benefits of the small changes which gave him huge results. Richard now had a structure to his training and his nutrition which were the building blocks to his success. Richard lost just under 20% of his body weight, but the biggest achievement was the change in his confidence and now has a new lease for life. Richard, we take our hat off to you!


Gaudi started coming to Bates Body Factory in May 2016 with the goal of losing body fat, increasing muscle mass and improving overall health and fitness.

3 months later and the results speak for themselves! Gaudi has stayed focused and inspired whilst following his nutrition and training plan, making an incredible transformation losing roughly 10-15kg on his journey!  I’m sure you will all agree he’s looking awesome and he has earned a massive well done from us all at Bates Body Factory.

Carrie Rardford

This is our amazing client Carrie. She has been training with Georgie at Bates Body Factory since May 2016 completing a one hour session every week.
When Carrie first came to us she admitted she lacked motivation and wanted to lose some weight for her wedding in October 2017. We have stuck to one session a week and Carrie has given each and every session 110% without fail. Not only has she lost weight but is also fitter, stronger and finding new muscles she didn’t know she had. In May 2017 she also took part in OUT RUN and clocked a whopping 58.8 miles for Macmillan.

Carrie has gone from avoiding the mirror in her sessions to using them for not only form but for the odd glimpse at those biceps working their magic.

It’s been amazing to not only watch Carrie’s body shape transform but her confidence too. We are so proud of you as you are an inspiration to others.