Kayleigh Roberts
Kayleigh came to us for a complete lifestyle change. Before joining BBF Kayleigh wasn’t doing any exercise, skipping meals, and dabbling in endless fad diets. To achieve a lifestyle change we made small changes to Kayleigh’s routine allowing a gradual adjustment that had little impact on day to day life. Each change has become a habit of daily life. The weight loss has come in addition to improved energy, fitness, sleep and an overall positive sense of well-being! Kayleigh will be the first to admit that this hard work has taken continued determination and has on occasions experienced little motivation, but as we keep reminding Kayleigh she has come along in leaps and bounds since she first walked through the door. We are very proud of everything Kayleigh has achieved, from sticking to her weekly exercise regime to following a balanced diet, Well Done Kayleigh, we salute you!